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Tour Paramedic Ride

TPR New Brunswick 2023

Liste des tarifs
  • 150,00 $


    1. National 10th anniversary Tour Paramedic Ride jersey
    2. Snacks & lunch for all 3 days
    3. 10th anniversary Tour Paramedic Ride challenge coin

    Refunds will deduct website administration fees and the cost of the jersey if past the jersey cut-off date (TBD).

  • 0,00 $
  • 350,00 $


    1. National 10th anniversary Tour Paramedic Ride jersey
    2. Snacks & lunch for all 3 days
    3. 10th anniversary Tour Paramedic Ride challenge coin

    Refunds will deduct website administration fees and the cost of the jersey if past the jersey cut-off date (TBD).

Icône validation Icône mastercard Icône visa

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